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His blood hummed, and he didn’t care. Side arm beside him on the leather seat, he shrugged. “Who cares. Take me out and put me in your mouth, Rock.”
He narrowed his eyes. “Don’t call me that.”
Donavan held his gaze. “Isn’t there somewhere you should be right now?” His balls were heavy with the need to come.
Mason slid from the seat to the floor and knelt between his thighs. With strong hands, he undid the fastener and zipper, freeing Donavan’s thickness. He closed his eyes briefly and flexed his fingers.
“I’m going to fuck you, tonight,” Mason vowed seconds before his mouth engulfed the swollen head of Donavan’s cock.
Donavan hadn’t ever bottomed before, but he was willing to for this man. He moaned as Mason took his whole length. His hips bucked with a mind of their own, driving his shaft farther into his lover’s mouth.
Suddenly it didn’t matter they were in a limo on the way to a place for him to get some more information. It didn’t concern him that they were not supposed to be doing this. He was there to do a job, not get another blowjob from his client.
Yeah, none of that mattered.
Donavan’s eyes rolled back into his head as Mason sucked deeper and harder. Focusing on the man kneeling before him, he nodded.
“Yes. I want your cock up my ass tonight. I was you to fuck me as you kiss me.”
Mason’s gaze darkened with need. Gripping his hair with the hand not on the weapon, he forced him to take more of his dick. All the while Mason’s eyes watered but he never looked away.
His lover found a way to wriggle his hand inside his pants and grasp his balls, he rolled and tugged on them, just enough to send him over the edge. He bit back his scream as he pumped thick ropes of cum into Mason’s waiting mouth.
Shudders overtook him as he tried willing himself back under control. It wasn’t easy but eventually he slowed his heart and breathing as he put himself back together. Across from him, eyes heavy lidded hiding the passion there, sat Mason, not speaking.
The car slowed, and he lowered the back window ever so slightly to take out the scent of sex before they stopped. He was out first when they did and looked around before he beckoned for Mason to follow.
The man did and froze beside him.
“This is Jordan’s place.”
“It is. We have to change things up, and no one is going to expect you to come here.” He pointed to the small house to the left of the larger one. “Actually we’ll be staying there.”
Two bags were at their feet when the limo pulled away, leaving them there.
“I’m beginning to feel like I’ve just been kidnapped.”
“In a manner of speaking, you have. We’re staying here until it’s time for your concert tonight. Then you have your party.”
“Then we come back here?”
Donavan strode off. “Bring your bags. No, we won’t. We’re only here until the concert, then we will be going elsewhere.”
“Where’s my band?”
“With Jordan. They understand that we need to keep you safe right now.”
“What happened?”
“Another threat. This time a bit more serious. Get settled and I’ll make my call.”
Chapter Four
Mason stood before the window, staring out over the back of the property they were on. He knew that Jordan had a house here but the man never stayed there, opting to be with him and the band at the hotel.
Moving to the mirror, he stared at his reflection. His eyes were tired, face gaunt. Yes, tours took a toll on him but it was more than that. This wasn’t as much fun as it had been. The endless streams of parties, drugs, drink, he didn’t care anymore.
Honestly, he wanted to be home, in his comfort, writing music. Not traveling the world and sleeping on a tour bus or in a hotel. He wanted to be able to be who he was, not the persona he put forth for the camera.
He shook his head as he trailed a finger along the tattoos on his neck, written in old English font. Truth. Honor. Life.
Those three words were there and his body was covered with ink. He used to have some piercings but those had grown over.
“You should get some rest before tonight. I’m sure the party will go late.”
Donavan was behind him, just like that. Not there one moment and there the next. His presence such that even with the room between them, he could feel him there. Behind him. Almost like his large body pressed against him.
He’d since taken off the black eyeliner he wore when being “Rock” and the thick kohl no longer lined his eyes, allowing him to see the exhaustion with much more prominence.
“What if I don’t want to rest? Why don’t you tell me what’s going on.”
He turned to face his bodyguard and lover. Donavan was just large. All over. Without an ounce of spare flesh, he moved like a man half his size. Big. Burly. But tender.
“I just got off the phone with Clayton. We’ve got the list narrowed down to three. And all three will be there tonight.”
“Who are they?”
Donavan shook his head. “That’s not your job to worry about. It’s mine. You focus on your part and let me do mine.”
Pushing away from the dresser, he walked to him and stopped when they were within touching distance.
“And what is fucking me? Part of your job?”
“Is that really what you want to go over right now?” He raked his gaze over the jeans and tight black shirt Mason wore. “Or do you want to hear more about what Clay told me?”
“I thought you just said that I didn’t have to worry about it, that it wasn’t my job, it was yours.”
Donavan flared his nostrils, and Mason knew he was getting to him. Good. I want him to know what it’s like to not have everything go his way. Want him to think that maybe I’m just a bit more than a piece of ass he gets while he’s here.
“I did, but I don’t think it’s in our best interest to argue about what’s between us, which by the way has nothing to do with my job here. I don’t fuck because it’s part of the job. When I put my dick into a man’s ass or mouth, it’s because I want to. Nothing else. I do it because I can’t wait to feel his ass around my cock, squeezing it, milking it and dragging all my cum out of me. No one orders me to fuck someone.”
Donavan yanked him forward by the front of his shirt, until their mouths were nearly touching.
“And one more thing. I’ve told you, I haven’t bottomed before for anyone, but am willing to do it for you.”
Mason covered Donavan’s dick and squeezed. “We have time.”
Donavan’s expression didn’t give anything away for a moment, and Mason wondered if he was about to be rejected.
“Undress me.” Two words, guttural and forceful.
He wasn’t needing to be told again. This was their time with one another. From the sounds of things, it may come to a head tonight and he wasn’t sure what the outcome would be, so he wanted to take his time and enjoy what was offered.
“Lose your weapons.”
With an easy roll of powerful shoulders, Donavan removed the double holster and dropped it on the love seat to his left.
Smoothing his hands over the broad chest before him, he lifted Donavan’s cotton tee, exposing the haired torso beneath. His lover shrugged free of it and dropped it to the floor, but remained standing there, feet braced shoulder width apart, watching him with a strong gaze.
Lust slammed into him, making his cock swell with anticipation as his own need rose. He reached out and opened his pants, exposing the heavy veined penis, already thickening and rising.
It wasn’t easy, but the singer ignored the cock before his face as he pushed the jeans down to Donavan’s ankles. Mason dropped to his knees and removed his shoes and helped him out of his boxers and pants, leaving him only in socks.
“Is there a bed here or are we using the couch?”
“This is your show, Mace. I’m following your lead.”
“In that case.” He took ho
ld of his shaft and led them down the hall to a room with a large king bed in there. “Get up on the bed.”
Donavan listened only to bounce up and leave the room. When he came back he put his weapons on the bedside table, then got back on the mattress. “Like this?” He fisted himself. “Or did you want me on my knees with my ass in the air?”
Mason’s dick was strangling itself in his pants. His breathing had grown harsh and he worked his own pants down and ripped his shirt off as he kicked free from his pants. “Right there, for now.”
Christ it was such a turn on watching him jack himself. He would be happy to watch this over and over again, but right now, there was something he wanted more. And that was to be the first one to sink into that virgin ass of his lover.
Naked, he crawled up on the bed beside Donavan, kissing his way up then back down his body. Allowing his hair to brush along his lover’s cock, he swiped his tongue along the fingers grasping that erection.
“Mace,” he growled.
Quite actually, he enjoyed having this man call him Mace. No one else did. People called him Mason or Rock, but no one had ever called him Mace.
Back up by his mouth, he kissed the man, dueling with his tongue and nipping at his lip. Breaking it off, he flopped over on his back. Grasping his cock, he lay there and jerked it a few times, smearing the drops of pre-cum leaking free.
For a moment, Mason lost himself in the pleasure of lying with a man and masturbating. It wasn’t always about the hard fucking, or even the gentle fucking. Sometimes it was this. Eyes closed, he exhaled slowly as the sensations spread over him.
He never felt Donavan move but in the space of a second, the man’s mouth was over his cock. Pushing away Mace’s hand, he took over. Up and down he slurped and sucked on his dick. Rational thought vanished and he sank his fingers into the hair along the back of Donavan’s head, holding him where he wanted.
His control was vanishing. He pushed hard on the man between his legs to get him to back up. Naked hunger burned in Donavan’s gaze.
Mason gestured for him to roll over and inched up behind him when his order was obeyed. Cock heavy with the need to come, he allowed his own touch to move over the slick skin. Reaching between Donavan’s legs, he gripped his shaft and tugged down.
“Fuck,” Donavan moaned as he bucked his hips.
He bent forward to nuzzle the balls and flick his tongue along them before he drew them into his mouth, one at a time. Licking his way up, he pushed past the puckered hole and wet it. He wet his hand and worked it along his shaft.
He aligned the broad head of his cock to Donavan and with a bit more spit, began to push into him slowly, not wanting to cause the man any discomfort.
“Jesus.” Donavan pushed back, accepting more of his length until Mason was fully in him.
The front of his thighs touched the backs of Donavan’s. He bent forward and kissed along his spine, even as he slowly worked his hips. Shallow motions. This sensation bombarded him and he struggled not to just fuck him with abandon.
Donavan reached back and gripped his ass, yanking him forward. He got the message.
* * * *
Mason was in the shower before they headed to meet the rest of the band before the show. Donavan wore nothing but his jeans as he moved around the small place. Ass sore but in a wonderful way.
Right now, he worked through the information he’d gotten from Clayton. Checking the time, he moved to the dining room table and called his friend back once more. Phone on the smooth surface, he stared at the notes he’d jotted down prior to making the call.
“What’s up?”
“I’ve been thinking about the names you gave me.”
The whirr of Clayton’s wheelchair filled the line for a brief moment. “Okay, I have it pulled up. What’s rattling around in that trap of yours?”
“Seems to be a bit too easy to pin it on the manager. Of course he’d be one that was always with him.”
“By your words I take it you found something when you snooped through the house.”
“A bunch of shit pointing toward Jordan, if he happened to be searched. It’s too easy. But if they are willing to do that to him, to me it’s someone who is close to him.”
“You want me to dig into his background?”
“Yes. Anything and everything about his family. Where they went to school and what age they first jacked off. I want it all.” Anger began to pool within him. He hated to think that someone was being this smart in their determination to get to Mason.
“He means something to you, this one.”
“Not the time, Clay.”
“That’s the problem with you, Don, it never is. If he’s special to you then do something about it. Stop pretending you don’t deserve anything else than being alone.”
“Can we focus on Jordan, please?”
“What else is there to focus on? I’m running the background now. I have to wait for it to spit it all out. We have plenty of time.”
“Why are you focusing on Jordan?”
Mason’s tone was dark and dangerous as he strode into the room. Donavan lifted his head and watched him stride over, dressed all in black leather. His cock twitched, but he held the angry gaze.
“Because of the ones that popped, he was one.”
Mason slammed his hands on the table. “Of course he is there, he’s my mother-fucking manager. He’s always with me.”
Donavan didn’t flinch from the anger. He merely leaned back in the chair. “I know that. But it does beg the question, why he needed to purchase any tickets.”
“You can’t possibly think my manager is trying to kill me?”
“I don’t know what to think. That’s why we’re running down all these leads.”
“Right, you and the mysterious Clayton.”
His friend’s chuckle came over the line. “Didn’t know you made me out to be mysterious, Don. Thank you.”
“Let me know when you have results.” He reached over and killed the call, still watching Mason. “This isn’t anything you need to focus on. This is what I am here to do. Run down any and all leads. You have a concert to go preform at.”
“You don’t need me to tell you your job, I don’t need to tell you mine. But I will tell you this. It’s not Jordan. Leave him alone.”
“I’ll check everyone out who is a potential threat.”
“And I’m telling you, it’s not Jordan.”
“Then why did he have cut out squares of letters like are on the ones you get in his place? There were partial letters started, all with the same tone as those sent.”
Donavan didn’t think at all it was Jordan, but he needed to get the point across to Mason this threat was very real and could come from anywhere.
“You searched his house?” Mason’s tone rose. “Is that why you brought me here? To have access to Jordan’s house? What, is that why you let me fuck you? So I would sleep and then once that happened, you just sneak out and let yourself in to search every inch of his private residence?”
Betrayal rang in his tone, but Donavan merely nodded. “Exactly why I brought you here.”
A short, unamused bark of laughter escaped Mason. “And I thought I’d met all the assholes in the world. Guess I was wrong about that.”
The devastated look on his face tore into Donavan, but he kept his expression impassive. This wasn’t the time to coddle him or anything like that. The man had a job to do and so did he. With a glance at his watch, he swiped his phone and got to his feet.
“Let’s go. You have to get there.”
Just like that the change fell over him, leaving behind the man who played for the crowds but wasn’t necessarily a fan of being there. Over the months with him, he’d learned about Mason. He loved music but not so much the performing. He would do it, but that and the parties after weren’t his thing.
“After this, I’m telling Jordan I need a new bodyguard. This just isn’t working.” Mason turned and walked away.
Donavan cl
osed his eyes briefly against the pain shooting through him at those words. Then he hurried after him to find Mason already out of the house and moving to the waiting limo. He climbed in after and hated the way Mason deliberately turned further from him, giving him more than just the cold shoulder.
No words were exchanged between them on the way and from the body language, he figured they were back to how it was on the first day of the job. Anything and everything shared between them had been wiped away.
Jordan met them and escorted Mason to meet the rest of his band. From the glare Jordan shot him, Mason had passed along what Donavan had done and found. He pushed that to the side and got his head in the game of keeping Mason alive.
While he was with his band, loosening up, Donavan answered the buzzing phone in his pocket.
“Talk.” He didn’t bother to check the caller ID, instead never allowing his eyes to rest on the surroundings.
“Hello to you, too, sunshine. I take it the talk didn’t go all that well with lover boy.”
“Fuck you, Clay.”
“You’re not my type, Don. I prefer mine a little less hairy and more softness.”
“I’ll have you know, I’m very soft.”
“Like a rhinoceros’ ass.”
“Been around a lot of them have you? Okay, I’ll give you the less hair between me and them, but softer? Not sure about that. But, I’m curious to know when you fell for those particular animals.”
“You do know I can take all your money before you can blink, right?”
“Miss you too, you crazed jackass.” He did another visual sweep of the room. “Fill me in.”
Clayton talked and as he did the pieces clicked in his head. It all made sense, finally. He knew who the stalker was and had a fairly good idea of when the next attack would be.
“Thanks for everything, Clay.”
“Be safe.” The man was gone.
He wished for the days when he and Clay were serving together in the Rangers. While the man was now confined to a wheelchair, he still had his back, just providing intel.
As the men prepared their last few moments, Jordan approached him. “After tonight you’re fired.”